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How Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolutionized E-commerce

The emergence of Artificial Intelligence has revolutionized many digital marketing sectors, one of them being the 'E-commerce sector’. Here are some factors that have improved the efficiency of the e-commerce sector after the entry of Artificial Intelligence.

Chat bots and virtual assistants:

Businesses can now enhance their customer service with the help of natural language processing chat bots and virtual assistants that can analyze and interpret spoken or written words and formulate appropriate responses to guide customers. This is very cost-effective, as it eliminates the need to hire manpower to interact with customers. It is also available 24/7, which is more effective than hiring a human for the task.

Personalization and customer care:

The emergence of AI has made it possible to offer personalization to customers. Online businesses can profit and cater to customers by giving specific recommendations to individuals based on their profile instead of grouping them and making generalizations. Targeted advertising and personalization contribute to the revenue of data-driven businesses. AI plays an essential role in assisting marketers by collecting personal information online. AI can not only help sellers understand the needs and behaviors of consumers but also specify this information to individuals and then personalize content creations for most consumers. It is common to see emails and pop-ups with product recommendations that catch their eye and cater to their preferences. AI has become the leading contributor to advertisement personalization.

Strengthen security:

With the fast growth of e-commerce, its susceptibility to fraud and cyberattacks has increased. Hackers use of various methods, such as credit card promo codes and proxy frauds, to debilitate businesses through violent malware is becoming much more common and creating security concerns among the customer base. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are being utilized to detect such frauds and curate black lists of dangerous IPs and email addresses to prevent such cases. Thorough screening of transactions can help businesses eliminate security issues and thus maintain their profits and brand image.

Virtual Try-on:

In the fashion e-commerce industry, fitting rooms are now a reality thanks to Augmented Reality technology, GANs empower the software to create 3D models for clothes and make clothes realistic for virtually trying on with virtual trial rooms, allowing consumers to not only choose the best size for them  but also find the style that suits them the best. Z-kit and Tour Fit are both software programs that provide virtual fitting rooms for both clothing brands and consumers. Lenskart and Lakme have already implemented virtual try-ons of their products on their apps, enhancing the virtual shopping experience for consumers.

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