
Open AI

Impact of ChatGPT on Digital Marketing

ChatGPT by Open AI has taken the internet by storm since its launch. ChatGPT is trained to understand natural language and generate responses. Hence, it can help businesses create personalized content. The rise of ChatGPT has had a huge impact, both positively and negatively, on digital marketing in the following ways:

1. Google SEO:

ChatGpt has had a huge impact on Google SEO since people are now getting used to asking queries to ChatGpt instead of Google because ChatGpt gives personalized results and users don’t have to scroll through various websites and deal with ads and accuracy issues. Informational queries on Google seem to be on the edge of obsolescence due to the increasing popularity and usage of ChatGpt. Google also introduced BARD as an alternative to ChatGpt after receiving a competitive threat from OpenAI.

2. Chatbots:

ChatGPT Chatbots are being integrated by many businesses to help customers with sales inquiries and automate customer care. This will reduce operating costs, especially for small and medium-sized businesses, as they have limited budgets. Because of its availability around the clock, ChatGPT can offer 24/7 customer service to their clients by using chatbots. An Indian online retail fashion brand Myntra recently introduced ‘MyFashionGPT’ powered by ChatGPT  to improve the client experience while browsing through products enabling customers to ask questions using natural language , which will make it easier to explore and navigate items. 

3. Copywriting:

People are using ChatGPT for writing e-mails, content, and posts that were previously written by copywriters, having a huge impact on the content creation area of digital marketing. ChatGPT helps generate high-quality, personalized content while saving time. This has been a good tool for small businesses that need quick content. Even YouTubers and other Content Creators use ChatGpt for generating ideas, scripts, essays, etc.

4. Blogs and websites:

People are now using ChatGPT to find information that they would otherwise find on Google and other websites. This has negatively impacted content creators, bloggers, and SEO writers since ChatGPT could takeover blogs and websites. ChatGpt gives personalized results based on the user’s needs without having to browse through websites, with maximum accuracy; hence, people are now switching to ChatGpt. People would previously type their queries in the Google Search Bar and browse through the search results, but since the arrival of ChatGpt, people have been directly asking their queries to ChatGpt.

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