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Has ChatGPT killed Search Engine Optimization?

ChatGPT has been on the rise recently and has been integrated by many big companies like Microsoft, Myntra, etc. Google has introduced BARD, which is an alternative to Chat GPT. The development of AI-generated content poses several questions, like:

Is SEO dead?

Is this the end of Digital Marketing?

ChatGpt is better than humans at knowledge, writing content, and many other technical tasks. But ChatGPT cannot be better than us at sharing human experience, opinions, and perspectives.



In terms of SEO, ChatGPT can replace content that is only informational-based. It can replace informational queries like “What is digital marketing?” “What is this?” “What is that?” But if your content is based around sharing your perspectives or your reviews about a thing, then it cannot be replaced by it because experiences, perspectives, stories, and any other elements that are subjective to a human cannot be replaced by ChatGPT.


If I go to England and share my experience of England, ChatGpt cannot replace me in terms of the personal experience that I received on my tour. A human’s point of view is unique.



In terms of navigational queries,  local SEO might not be replaced by Google since it earns money from local SEO.



Transactional queries are mostly covered by google ads due to many brands running paid ads. Hence, transactional queries might remain with Google Ads.


In order to beat ChatGPT, brands need to personalise their content around their experiences rather than merely providing information. Create content considering human elements rather than designing content only for the algorithm. It will not only create an impact on the audience but also retain them, making them subscribe to your perspective.



Even if ChatGpt advances in terms of technology, there are still some things that are uniquely human and are, by nature, not easily replaceable in the wide area of marketing. 


Consider reading the article below to know a list of factors in the field of marketing and sales in which AI cannot easily replace humans.

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