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Why Distribution Will Rule The Attention Economy

With the advent of AI, production has become convenient and accessible to anyone. You don’t need artists to create content because Artificial Intelligence has almost automated music production, video editing, graphic design, animation, copywriting, etc. Any person can create his personal brand and design digital products using AI tools from scratch in his bedroom. Production has become cheaper and more widely available than ever.


However, no product has value until it’s justified by sales; hence, distribution has become the new king in the market. Marketing and conversions have become more valuable than ever after the intense saturation of digital media and various entertainment platforms. Social media apps like OTT platforms, YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook are competing with each other for users. Creators like tiktokers, youtubers, journalists, and traditional celebrities are also competing with each other for eyeballs. Hence, distribution has become more valuable than ever in the current attention economy.


Social Media Entrepreneurs need to allocate more importance and efforts towards building a distribution model before designing their products. It can be done by building an audience by creating content that interests the target audience and then designing products as per the demand and needs of the audience. Big brands like Netflix are already bringing in social media influencers with huge followings to promote their movies and shows.


Distribution is the real currency in the digital economy, where all forms of entertainment, including films, music, news media, vlogs, animation, and gaming, are competing with each other. If businesses and brands want to really drive sales or build brands creating an influence, they need to divert their resources and importance towards distribution.

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